Jew and Gentile, One in Messiah... Building Bridges of Understanding

We are a community of Jewish and non-Jewish Messianic believers in the Long Beach area committed to following biblical instruction for spiritual growth and daily living. We provide an environment which encourages believers in Yeshua to embrace the Jewish heritage of God's Word.  We welcome you.

Shabbat Services

Our Shabbat services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 am.  We worship with liturgy, music and teaching. Services are followed by an Oneg won't leave hungry!  After Oneg, we often have additional Bible study and teaching or other activities.

Beit David
Beit David

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What To Expect?

At Beit David Messianic Fellowship, you'll find a warm and loving community of believers...if you've never experienced Messianic Jewish worship before, don't worry...just join in!

Our Vision

One of the primary visions of our ministry is to build, protect, and preserve the unity and equality of Jewish and non-Jewish Messianic believers within our congregation, while recognizing the unique Biblical responsibilities and callings of individuals.


We look forward to meeting you soon. For our address and directions, click here

Beit David

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